The big issue they agree - Mirpur

Monday, 27 July 2015
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City: Mirpur, Azad Kashmir
Offer type: Sell


Contact name molly micah

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Just recently we had a vote on inwashington on Syria and the polo see and a and bailer both supported the bombing I'm Syria I they both support the air they both together on the big issues a fight in are you over power in things but it was a bipartisan thing that that way and you 300-135 know with leadership to you know past that horrible budget resolution just recently the continuing resolution know the frustration levels real high Imam there there's some reason why I'm not too optimistic about it because you know we send our army is over tithe middle east around the world to spread democracy course I don't like that word as well as hit like a free society and a few other things in the Republic but we sin our troops over there .